Thursday, January 22, 2009


The girls and I were at a bible book store where Megan saw a doll she just fell in love with.  It was a fancy "missionary" doll with beautiful clothes and long hair.  From the time Megan saw it until we left, she didn't stop talking about that doll.  It just captured her attention and she truly wanted to take it home with her.  I didn't see a price tag attached, so as I was checking out I asked the cashier how much the doll was.  She coolly replied, "They're around one hundred dollars."  

So as we're driving off, Megan continues to ask about the doll.  I try explaining that the doll costs a whole lot of money.  I tell her it's $100.  In an effort to get her to understand exactly how much that is we all three counted to 100 fairly slowly.  When we finally said "100", I said, "That's how many dollars it would take to buy that doll.  That's a lot of money."  

Without missing a beat, Megan simply said, "Why don't you just give her a $100 dollar bill instead?"    

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Brad Paisley in Concert

I went to the Brad Paisley concert last night with a new friend who moved to Bryant about the time we did.   Dierks Bentley and Darius Rucker were there as well.  What a fun time!  All three of them did a great job.  Alltel was packed and our ears were ringing for quite a while after we left.  Thanks to our dear husbands for keeping the kids and letting us have a girls' night out!!!  

And tonight Jason and I get to meet up with our friends Becke' and Eric for a birthday dinner.  Can't hardly wait.   What a fantastic weekend!

Friday, January 9, 2009

SS Social

Well, I debated whether to post this or not, but nobody who lives around here even knows about the blog, so I will just to get it off my chest.  

Tonight we had a SS Social.  Our SS is HUGE, so we all met up then broke up into groups of 5 couples or so to go out to eat.  After dinner we all met back up for dessert and drinks at the church.  

Dinner went great.  Back at the church Jason and I were sitting at a table all by ourselves and the table next to us was crammed full of people.  Up walks a girl I had met the other night for the first time and grabs one of our empty chairs to pull it next to the cram-packed table and never even says hello to us.  I felt like crying right then and there.  It's just hard to be outgoing when you know so few people; and I still feel so new since the church is so big.  Anyway, what I did learn from the situation is what NOT to do to a new couple sitting all by their lonesome.  

That said, I doubt she meant anything rude by it at all.  I doubt she even thought about how that might make us feel.  She just probably had friends at that other table and didn't give it a second thought.  So, I'm not upset at her in the least.  It was just the way it made me feel that bothered me.  Like we're all alone in a room full of people that are friends.  

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Dressing Room Nightmare

Let me share my experience shopping today.  I was kid free for a few hours (Megan's in school and Anna's at MDO), so I headed to Penney's to return a few things and shop for jeans.  Oh by the way, I've been shopping for jeans for the past month.  I am not exaggerating when I say I've tried on at least 40.  It's not a fun thing for me!!!  I'll make it home with one pair only to try them on again at home and wonder what in the world I was thinking.  

So, I set out today energized and excited to find a pair.  I grabbed about 7 or 8 and headed to the dressing room.  But right by the dressing rooms were the new swimsuits which just looked darn cute....sooo I think why not try a couple of those on too!  Again, WHAT WAS I THINKING???  It was not a pretty picture.   I know the lighting in the dressing rooms aren't the best, but I only wish what I saw today could be blamed on lighting!!!  :)  

So, when I got home I changed and decided by golly, I was going to run 2 miles.  Well, that didn't work so good.  For one, I'm just getting over strep throat.  And second, well...I haven't run in a very, very long time.  Needless to say, I didn't make it.  I did finish walking the whole two miles which has to count for something!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Doing Better

I am finally over my sore throat!  I awoke in the middle of the night expecting the same ol' same ol', but to my wonderful surprise, I was pain free!!!!  Praise the Lord.  As of yesterday, I still had pretty significant pain in my throat and ear and still had a few pus pockets.  But today, I'm feeling great and my throat looks great!  So, for those of you out there who read my blog and knew I had a sore throat, thanks for your prayers.  

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Chrismas with Jason's family

Here are some pictures from Christmas with Jason's family.  
The girls had a great time as always.  Here they are playing in the two new cedar chests their Papa Bob and Uncle Bill made for them.
Here's their Papa Bob and Chuck.

Here's Anna giving her Great-Grandpa a great big hug.  

They both got cooking aprons with their names on them.  Too cute.

Here's their new dollhouse and their sweet cousin, Jacy.

Christmas with my family

Well, I guess the advantage to being sick (which I wrote about 3 or 4 blogs earlier) is that I don't feel like doing much other than sitting I'm getting a lot of blog postings in.   I do seem to be doing a little better.  Thanks for your prayers.   

Here's my brother Kenneth as Santa!!!  As soon as he walked in Megan ran right up to him and started shouting, "You're Kenneth!  You're Kenneth!  You're Kenneth!"  I mean, she must have said it fifty times.  She was so funny to watch.  She was pulling on his stomach, his belt, his beard, and then she pointed out he was wearing tennis shoes.  It was pretty funny.  :)

This is my other brother and his wife with their sweet girl, Myrah.

Here's Papa!
Here's Megan and Myrah building with the blocks.  They played really well together.  Myrah would hand her the blocks and Megan would build with them.  They had a good time.

Here's Anna tuckered out sleeping on Papa.

The next day, the girls got to go hunting.  They didn't see anything, but enjoyed crawling all over their daddy for the whole two hours they were in the deer blind.  

Here we are in Oklahoma.  This is my aunt and cousins.  My poor uncle was really sick that night.
Here's my grandparents and great-aunt.
Here's Kenneth with his wife.
And, here's Meme having lots of fun with the girls.

Chritmas Eve Night

We have tried to make it a tradition to stay home Christmas Eve night and morning with the girls.  It's not always easy, but it sure is fun making memories with the girls.   Here we are singing Christmas songs right before bed.

 Here they are pouring the milk and setting out the cookies to get ready for Santa.  This year they even left straw out for the reindeer.  When they woke up, the milk and cookies were gone and so was the straw!!!!!  WOW! 


Hiking Pinnacle Mtn. on Christmas Eve Day

Yes, that's right.  It was such a beautiful day here in Arkansas on Christmas Eve.  The highs were in the low 60's, and we had all day to enjoy it.  So, we decided to hike up Pinnacle Mtn.  It was quite a workout.  Although I was worn out afterwards, the girls had all the energy in the world.  It was breath-taking at the top.  Thank the Lord for scenes like that that can take your breath away. For anyone who's gone up there before, you know it's a pretty steep hike WAAAAAYYYYY up there!  I was so nervous on the way up.  Luckily coming down was much easier.  

Update on Megan

Megan had her last (hopefully) procedure done at Children's Friday.  It was extremely difficult for Jason and I to watch her in pain, but as soon as it was over, she was back to her happy self.  The good news is that all looks okay.  So, no surgery will be required.  They didn't see any fistulas at all.  We will just have to wait for her to outgrow the problem.  At least, that's what we're being told for now.  

I am SOOO sick.

I have the worst sore throat I think I've ever had plus a fever with it.  The back of my throat is covered with pus pockets.  I know, it's GROSS!  I got some antibiotics yesterday, but so far it hasn't helped.  I sent Jason to the store this morning to get me some numbing spray, but it only lasted for about 5 minutes.  Just swallowing gives me an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach because it hurts so badly!