Monday, February 23, 2009

No More Dog

Just an update in case any of you were wondering about the status of the cute beagle we had found....

She just wasn't a good fit for us.  She tore up the front door's weather seal and scratched the wood varnish completely off in certain parts.  Once she learned how to dig a hole under the fence to get into our backyard, she'd just go to the front and roam the neighbor's yards and then when she wanted to come back, she'd scratch the front door.  She hated being out.  She'd scratch constantly including the screens on the back porch.  But inside, she'd have accidents and shed really badly.  Too bad b/c she was adorable.  And she was really good with the girls (except when she was eating).  

So we took her to the pound and prayed her owners would find her.  If they don't find a new home for her in 10 days, they'll call us back.  Maybe we'll try it again.  

Pam, you were right.  She was a wanderer.  And a barker/howler!  

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Megan's earrings

Unfortunately, Megan's experience getting her ears pierced didn't go as well as Anna's.  One of the earrings was put in way too low.  So we had to take it out, wait 24 hours, then go back for them to "redo" it.  Megan had done really well up until she realized she had to have one ear redone.  Realizing she had to go through it again was just horrible for her.  She cried for over an hour yesterday afternoon.  It was rough for us all.  After Jason and I both comforted her and explained the reasoning to her, she calmed down.  We promised she could listen to my IPOD (which she thinks is really cool) while they pierced her ear, and then we'd all go and get ice cream afterwards.  She was a trooper again the second time around.  It went quick, she didn't cry, and as soon as it was done she was soooo happy.  Thank the Lord, this time it was right.  Here are some pics.  

V-day pics

This is Megan making her Valentine's Day box for school.  It turned out really cute.
Here she is showing it off at her party at school.   They had ice cream sundaes and then opened all their Valentines cards.

Here she is with some of her best friends from school. 

Kacey's mom bought these shirts for the girls to wear.  What a sweet idea.  And they sure were excited to be "twinkies."  

Here's sweet Anna wearing her Valentine's shirt from Nana.  

Friday, February 20, 2009

"Yes" to the Earrings

About a year ago, Megan decided to get her ears pierced.  We went to WM, paid our money, picked out our earrings, and they had even marked her ears when she totally got scared and backed out.  So, I teasingly ask the girls occasionally if they want to go get their ears pierced.  And they always answer the same way....with an adamant "NO!"  Until yesterday. 

Somehow the subject came up with Anna so I asked her and this time she just quietly said, "Yes."  I was shocked.  I figured once I started talking about it she'd say no.  But she really wanted to do it.  So after MDO we went to WM and she got her ears pierced.  I have to say I was completely shocked at how well it went.  She didn't even cry.  She barely flinched.  When they put the earrings in she had this look on her face that I couldn't quite figure out.  I really figured when the ladies backed away and I held her she'd bury her face in my shoulder and cry.  But when the ladies backed away, she just smiled and was very proud of herself.  So, here's a picture of the new earrings.  As you can tell, Megan's little hand is in the pic helping to "showcase" Anna's ear.  The first thing Megan said when we got home was, "I want to go get my ears pierced right now."  She didn't want to wait.  The plan is to head to WM after she gets out of school and let her have her turn.  We'll see how it goes.  

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Anna's Funnies

I have to share another "Anna Funny"... 

We were stripping her sheets this morning and she was helping me.  I bragged on her saying she'd done a really good job.  And she proudly responded, "When I grow up, I'm going to be a good stripper."  LOL!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New Beagle = 2 Ecstatic Girls!

Check out this adorable beagle.  She wandered to our house Sunday afternoon and hasn't left since.  She's bound and determined to get into our back yard.  And once she gets there, she's bound and determined to get inside.  It's hard to say no to a face that cute.  She's great with the girls too.  We're trying to find her owners, but I know two little girls who would be perfectly happy if her owner's never show up.  Can you tell?

We spent our Valentine's weekend at Mt. Nebo.  It was so fun to get away for the weekend and catch up on much needed family time.  Especially after Jason's been working so much with the ice storm damage.  Here are some pics from our adventure.  Our favorite things were hiking, hanging out by the fire, and the girls loved playing their video games.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


As I was reading blogs, Anna sits down with me and says, "Mommy, how many kids do you think I'm going to have?"  

I say, "I don't know," and keep on reading.  

Then she leans in closer and says, "Do you think I'll have two since I have two of those...?" as she points to my *****s.  FUNNY!!!  

I laugh and say, "How many do you want? Do you want two?"  

And she gets quite animated, raises her voice and says, "NO!  I WANT SIX!!!!  I MEAN ONE HUNDRED!!!"  

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Faith of a child

Megan's been pretty sick.  Thankfully she's better now, but Monday was really rough.  I picked her up at school (thanks to a friend calling to tell me she saw Megan crying through lunch), and when we got home she had 101.7 fever.  By that night it got up to 104.  And that afternoon we had about a 20 minute ordeal where she was having bad chest pains and difficulty breathing.  She was panicking which was making it even harder for her to catch her breath.  It was quite scary for me to see her go through that.  We hopped in the car heading either to the doctor's or the ER, and the movie in the DVD player did wonders to calm her down and sidetrack her mind.  So, that made me calm down too.  Her chest continued to hurt for about an hour, but she was breathing just fine.  So, here we are two days later and she now has no fever and has been on antibiotics.  She's much better in such a short time.  It's hard to believe she got better so quickly.   I truly think God honored the faith of a little 5 year old.  While she was half crying/half screaming in the midst of her breathing ordeal, she said, "Jesus please help me" about three times.  He did help her and you'd never know today she was so sick Monday.  Thank you Lord.  Come to think of it, maybe it wasn't the movie that calmed her down as much as the Lord's hand reaching down and relieving the pain she was experiencing and allowing her to breathe easier.   We serve a very loving and mighty God.