Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Faith of a child

Megan's been pretty sick.  Thankfully she's better now, but Monday was really rough.  I picked her up at school (thanks to a friend calling to tell me she saw Megan crying through lunch), and when we got home she had 101.7 fever.  By that night it got up to 104.  And that afternoon we had about a 20 minute ordeal where she was having bad chest pains and difficulty breathing.  She was panicking which was making it even harder for her to catch her breath.  It was quite scary for me to see her go through that.  We hopped in the car heading either to the doctor's or the ER, and the movie in the DVD player did wonders to calm her down and sidetrack her mind.  So, that made me calm down too.  Her chest continued to hurt for about an hour, but she was breathing just fine.  So, here we are two days later and she now has no fever and has been on antibiotics.  She's much better in such a short time.  It's hard to believe she got better so quickly.   I truly think God honored the faith of a little 5 year old.  While she was half crying/half screaming in the midst of her breathing ordeal, she said, "Jesus please help me" about three times.  He did help her and you'd never know today she was so sick Monday.  Thank you Lord.  Come to think of it, maybe it wasn't the movie that calmed her down as much as the Lord's hand reaching down and relieving the pain she was experiencing and allowing her to breathe easier.   We serve a very loving and mighty God.  

1 comment:

Pam said...

I'm so sorry she was so sick but I'm glad she is better now. It is very scary when they're sick and you don't know what's going on with them.
Guess what...our power came back on about 5:30. We are all so excited!!!