Thursday, April 23, 2009

Snow Cones

It was such a nice day here.  I'm on an exercise hiatus due to an injured knee--no walking or running; just taking it easy and resting.  It's just about to kill me not to be able to walk to pick up Megan after school since the weather has been so beautiful.  I just have to enjoy it other ways.

The girls both had soccer practice tonight.  Afterwards we stopped at a snow cone place for an after-practice treat.  And, might I add, they were DELICIOUS!!!  I LOVE when the snow cones stands open.  A sure sign summer's around the corner.  :)  Today would have been a great day for a hammock, a good book, and a glass of iced sweet tea.  Ahhhh!  I can dream, right???


Becke' said...

You dream long as I am sipping tea in a hammock right next to you!

How did you get injured?

Kim said...

Squatting to do laundry I guess. That's when I noticed it and then it started swelling after that. I finally went to the doctor and he said I either sprained it or tore a ligament/cartilage. Time will tell whether I'll need surgery or not. But a week and a half later, I'm seeing some improvement. I'm hoping that's a good sign.