Well, I certainly have a WHOLE lot of catching up to do with pictures. So, in the next week or so my plan is to briefly update the blog. We've had a whole lot going on since the last post, including a brand new niece, a trip to Disney World, Halloween, and many others ... pictures to come.
We'll start off with a quick recap of our fall activities. Anna and Megan started dance. It's Anna's first year, and she has loved every minute of it. They're both in gymnastics too.
Megan was old enough this year to participate in the fall parade dance float. She really enjoyed it. Plus, Anna got to gather all the candy as we watched the parade.
Megan also got to be a tiny cheerleader this year after going to a "cheer camp" at her school. The rain came in slow and steady that night, but it didn't dampen her excitement or fun.
Then came the school fall carnival including face painting (which I got to do), rock wall climbing, fishing for candy, hay rides, and too many other fun things to write all about. It was lots of fun.

And, of course, we had to go to the Arkansas State Fair. The girls love going and riding the rides and checking out all the animals in the petting zoo. The past two years we've taken Megan out of school for half a day to go to the fair, then we take her to lunch before taking her back to school. It's just a special day for the girls and us too.

We were able to go to a pumpkin patch right down the road from our house this year. That was so nice. They had a hay ride and everything.

Both girls played softball this fall. Anna had a difficult time when she felt like she made mistakes, but it was so good for her to learn how to cope with the situations and keep going instead of "shutting down." She was a trooper, and grew to love it. Her and Megan are both ready to play again this coming fall. They got to be on the same team, so that was great.