A few weekends ago, we went digging for diamonds at the diamond mines in Murfreesboro and worked all day long without finding much of anything. We had such a good time though. The girls and I went hiking on a trail while Jason kept digging. He literally dug a 4 foot deep hole in some hard, hard dirt.

We went to Branson this past weekend and had a great time. The girls got to go to Build-a-bear and the candy store. We went to a magic show (right up Jason's alley) and snuck in a little shopping. The best part was staying at the indoor water park. The girls just had a blast!

And the big news is Megan got her long hair cut off. She's been wanting to do it for a while now, and I finally gave in. She looks pretty cute, but it was sad seeing so much being cut off. Our next door neighbor is a beautician, and she did a great job.